We are a design studio specialized in the field of interior and exterior design.
Our mission is to make even the impossible possible. How? By striving to re-create our clients’ dreams into a reality. The attention to the details, which we with no exaggeration are calling perfectionism, is what distinguishes us both in our work and in the relations with our clients and subcontractors.
We’re paying utmost attention to the selection of the materials we use as well as to the quality of the workmanship. That’s why we are ready “to re-create the earth” in order to find the materials and manufacturers capable to re-create our projects most authentically.


Architectural solutions

Each building and space requires individual approach. Our interior and exterior architects, with mastery and diligence, shall shape your space uniquely and inimitably.
For what make us different is our sense of the identity of each building and space. We are proud to sense, re-create, and enhance such individuality.


We’re working with some of the best manufacturers worldwide who can re-create both our and your bold fantasies into a reality. We always select unique decorating solutions for the interior and exterior spaces of our projects.


The flair to select the right furniture for a specific space is a gift. We dare say we have it and we’re developing it with each project.
We’re partners with the best design studios for furnishing and we always find what the space and the taste our clients require. The unique custom made furniture is our main activity. And our pride.


  • Metal Invest
    Metal Invest
  • Adapt
  • Alexander Novoselski
    Alexander Novoselski
  • RedMark Studio
    RedMark Studio
  • Cinar Hali
    Cinar Hali

Contact us

PHONE+377 640 610 611
ADDRESS7 Avenue Saint Roman, Parc Saint Roman, Hello Cente,r 98000 Monaco

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